Una bozza (scritta al volo e non riletta troppo, quindi potrebbe essere sgrammaticata al massimo!) di idee di base per reciclare l'alluminio. Vvolevo inviarle per una specie di questionario ma sono arrivato tardi..
1. Make it easy
It's hard to collect aluminum when there are no dedicated bins. These should be wherever people use aluminum: in parks (specially for cans), public places (universities, hospitals, stations..), tram/bus stops, near "normal bins".. These bins should have a simple "compression system" to compress cans and other things and they should also have a (simple) GSM interface to communicate to the control station when they are full and need to be emptied.
It's hard to collect aluminum when there are no dedicated bins. These should be wherever people use aluminum: in parks (specially for cans), public places (universities, hospitals, stations..), tram/bus stops, near "normal bins".. These bins should have a simple "compression system" to compress cans and other things and they should also have a (simple) GSM interface to communicate to the control station when they are full and need to be emptied.
2. Make it "profitable"
One of Mankiw's economic principle says that "People respond to incentives". If I could collect points every time I recycle aluminum, and if with these points I could get a free weekend somewhere or a small gift, I would be (more) happy to spend a few minutes of my time to separate and collect aluminum.
It should work like this: every time I put some aluminum in its bin a very simple scale weights it, and for every gram I get 1 point. With 10.000 points I win something, and so on. Of course the amount of points and the gifts should be estimated considering actual value of new and recycled aluminum, in order not to give people the opportunity to buy aluminum and put it in the bins just to win gifts.. (Maybe aluminum bins should have small apertures so that people can't throw big pieces of aluminum)
One of Mankiw's economic principle says that "People respond to incentives". If I could collect points every time I recycle aluminum, and if with these points I could get a free weekend somewhere or a small gift, I would be (more) happy to spend a few minutes of my time to separate and collect aluminum.
It should work like this: every time I put some aluminum in its bin a very simple scale weights it, and for every gram I get 1 point. With 10.000 points I win something, and so on. Of course the amount of points and the gifts should be estimated considering actual value of new and recycled aluminum, in order not to give people the opportunity to buy aluminum and put it in the bins just to win gifts.. (Maybe aluminum bins should have small apertures so that people can't throw big pieces of aluminum)
3. Make it important
By telling people how expensive is aluminum production and how easy it is to recycle this material, many people could be motivated to collect it separately to help environment and energy saving. The "marketing" of recycled products is important in order to raise awareness about recycling materials.
By telling people how expensive is aluminum production and how easy it is to recycle this material, many people could be motivated to collect it separately to help environment and energy saving. The "marketing" of recycled products is important in order to raise awareness about recycling materials.
Idee davvero semplici e per nulla futuristiche, ma forse un po' piu' avanzate dell'attuale sistema di raccolta (riassumibile in "ehi dai butta qui l'alluminio se vuoi").