"La maggior parte dei blog ha un unico lettore, il blogger."
Eric Schmidt
Pero' con te ora siamo già a due :)
Il blog è una scrivania virtuale in continua evoluzione, dove gli appunti si susseguono disordinati (ma classificati con etichette!) per lasciare una traccia di ricordi, eventi, pensieri..
And about the "who is Greg" thing.. well, that's not as easy. So let's say a couple of things about me so that you can get an idea (I'll keep adding items as I find them during my life journey).
Yes, but who is Greg?
And why the hell is he writing in Italian, English and Italenglish? That's easy. Because sometimes English is faster, sometimes I need my Italian, sometimes I mixed them up (clearly consciously).And about the "who is Greg" thing.. well, that's not as easy. So let's say a couple of things about me so that you can get an idea (I'll keep adding items as I find them during my life journey).
- Satiari Nequeo
I think I just can't be satisfied with anything. That's great, it keeps me going. Not easy, though. I want to have it all
This quote also says it well: "Mai sazio, come la fiamma mi ardo e mi consumo. Luce diviene tutto ciò che afferro, carbone ciò che lascio: sono sicuramente fiamma." (Nietzsche)
- FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out
Oh, I definitely have this too. I just can't stand the idea of missing out on something. I need to know what are all the options, and then I want to make my decisions. I just don't wanna miss a thing.
- To live is to learn
What would we do if all our essential and non-essential needs were satisfied? How would we spend our time? What is the goal, in the end? I guess the ultimate desire is to learn, to improve, to grow.
More details about this Greg will follow..
Greg (the same as before)
Greg (the same as before)