Archive for July 2018

Spigolo delle Capre - Monte Aviolo (BS)


Image result for spigolo delle capre monte aviolo
Immagine tratta da PlanetMountain

Bella via in cresta per raggiungere (quasi) la vetta del monte Aviolo. Difficoltà non sostenute ma abbastanza costanti.

In aggiunta a quanto scritto in questa relazione:
  • Parcheggio: in località Pozzolo (Edolo, BS), coordinate GPS: 46.184324, 10.366077
  • Avvicinamento: lungo e ripido!
  • Attacco: quando uscite dalla Normale andando verso destra vi trovate ad un certo punto sotto ad un grosso canalone, con alla vostra destra (guardando la montagna) uno spigolo/parete. L'attacco è alla destra dello spigolo, quindi dovete spostarvi ancora di qualche metro..
    Coordinate GPS: 46°11'06.2"N 10°23'42.2"E (potrebbero non essere accurate!)
  • L1, L2, L3: niente da aggiungere
  • L4: la sosta si trova proprio in fondo allo parte appoggiata dello spigolo, appena prima che la pendenza cambi di nuovo. Il tiro è circa 40m.
  • L5: le placche non sono banali; noi siamo usciti a sinistra (invece che per fessura a destra) e siamo saliti lungo lo spigolo (abbastanza facile) per poi sbucare a destra in cima, in corrispondenza della sosta. Tiro di 40m.
  • L6: Non abbiamo trovato il chiodo di sosta, cosi' l'abbiamo attrezzata su spuntoni..
  • L7: Tiro corto, meno di 25m credo..
  • L8: Il diedro di IV è ben proteggibile..
  • L9, L10: belli
  • L11: Il passaggio sulla placca "all'apparenza molto liscia" è spettacolare..
  • L12: proseguire finchè si puo', poi uscire come descritto nella relazione..
  • Discesa: lunga e "sfasciumosa"..
Abbiamo percorso la via l'anno scorso ma questo post era rimasto nelle bozze... :)

Canyoning: Chli Schliere (CH)


Another great day of canyoning :)
Destination: "Chli Schliere", very famous in Switzerland, and very much exploited by guides and "adventures companies"!

Practical info:
  • Descente-Canyon page: here!
  • Parking: 46.941581, 8.242187
  • Super-mega well equipped. You'll find fixed ropes and a lot of bolts. I'm not even sure whether you actually need to bring your own rope or not (but take it, obviously!)
  • We probably did it with a low water level, and it was absolutely fine. As usual, with a lot of water everything is more difficult.
  • You'll find many nice (and long) tobogas, some nice jumps and several abseils. Check before jumping, on several occasions the water height in the pond was 1.5m or so... not that much!
  • Timing: 2h if you don't rush, we even skipped some jumps and tobogas because we were not sure about the water level, so we spent a bit of time handling the rope. But we were only 2..
  • Overall it's a very nice canyon, not special though. Good for a half-day activity, but plan something else for the afternoon - or do it twice :)


From the parking: follow the road that ends after a few hundred meters, take the clear track on the left that begins with some steps. Follow the steep track for 30 mins or so, until it reaches a wider track, almost flat. Take the right and keep walking for a few more minutes, until the track descends rapidly to the water (see also the description on Descente-Canyon).
From the car to the water you'll need 45 mins (or even less).

Canyoning - Cresciano (CH)


Image result for canyoning cresciano
(Picture from Google!)

Great day of canyoning last Saturday, in the Cresciano canyon (Ticino - CH).

The canyon consists of an upper and a lower part. 
The upper part is long and requires (a lot) of rappelling. Not much water and many dry parts. Still beautiful (especially the very beginning), but probably not as amazing as descente-canyon makes it look like.
The lower part is very short, the atmosphere is a bit different and it's probably a bit more fun. Still, not exactly an "aquatic park" as one could expect after reading the descriptions.

Here some useful info:
  • Parking (for the upper part): not-so-easy to find, so here to coordinate: 46.293433, 9.008019 Anyway follow the indications on descente-canyon. We met some french guys that were using the "Eldorado Ticino" guidebook and they ended up in the totally wrong place..
  • You will have to pay 10 CHF (or 10 EUR) in COINS to be able to drive on the road that goes to the parking. And when you drive up again to pick up the first car, you will have to pay again... no comment.
  • Call the hydroelectric company (you'll find the number online), they will tell you if you can go and they will not operate their plant as long as you are in (or at least I think so).
  • This is an amazing sketch of the canyon.
  • The rock here is granite, and this means problems. We destroyed one rope because we didn't do enough "débrayage" and in another waterfall we couldn't pull down the rope because of the friction with the rock (yes, we had to go back up..). So, be super careful with the rope, keep moving it up and down and always choose the right rappelling point (sometimes there are more than one a few meters apart).
  • Most of the anchors are on one single bolt.. that's pretty sad. Anyway, they all look decent.
In conclusion, it was a very nice day of canyoning. We started (in the water) at 12 because we had to drive a couple of hours in the morning (+ traffic jams), find the right parking spot (1 h or more), walk a bit to get to the river.. it was definitely too late, but obviously we had a different timing in mind. It took us 5 hours for the first part (including 1 h to release the rope that got stuck). The second part was much quicker, though you will still need to use the rope a bit.

As I said before, we had higher expectations considering the score on the guides (online and books). But it was still nice and propaedeutic :)